The OAHN networks initiate projects, research or investigations into disease trends or issues of interest for their species sector. Results, publications, and presentations relating to these disease investigations and network operations are listed below.
OAHN Equine Network Project: Investigation into the seasonal variations in ACTH levels in Ontario’s senior horses
OAHN Projects
In Progress
OAHN Bee Project: Paenibacillus larvae spore testing in Ontario honey bee colonies (in progress)
OAHN Poultry Project: Serological and molecular surveillance for aMPV in wild birds (in progress)
OAHN Wildlife Project: Botulism Test Development (in progress)
OAHN Wildlife Project: Enhanced Avian Influenza Surveillance in Wild Mammals 2023-2024 (in progress)
OAHN Swine Project: Prevalence of PHEV in growing pig submissions to the AHL (in progress)
OAHN Wildlife Network Project: Avian Influenza in Ontario Wildlife
OAHN Bee Network Project: Tracking natural varroa mite population growth in honey bee colonies
OAHN Bovine Network Project: Trace Mineral Monitoring in Beef Cattle Herds
OAHN Companion Animal Research Project: Rabies titres in imported dogs
OAHN Equine Network Project: Investigation into the seasonal variations in ACTH levels in Ontario’s senior horses
OAHN Small Ruminant Network Project: Investigation of Gastrointestinal Nematode Parasitism on Ontario Goat Farms
OAHN Small Ruminant Network Project: Investigation of Pooling Serum Samples for Maedi Visna Testing
OAHN Swine Network Project: CanSpot ASF Submissions and Communications
OAHN Swine Network Project: Ontario Swine Producer Clinical Impression Survey
OAHN Swine Network Project: Swine Smallholder Postmortem Project
OAHN Network Project: Identification of Culicoides species found in selected areas of Ontario from June – September 2022
In Progress
OAHN Small Ruminant Network Project: Investigation of mucosal immunity to gastrointestinal nematodes in Ontario goats (in progress)
OAHN Wildlife Network Project: Assessing the use of passive water samples for the detection of influenza viruses (in progress)
OAHN Wildlife Network Project: Muskrat Health and Disease Surveillance (in progress)
OAHN Aquatics Network Project: Baseline survey for Lactococcus garvieae group in Ontario salmonid facilities (in progress)
OAHN Companion Animal Research Project: Prevalence of seroconversion to SARS-CoV-2 among dogs, cats and ferrets in close contact with humans with confirmed or probable COVID-19
OAHN Companion Animal Research Project: Whiteboard Rabies Video
OAHN Poultry Project: Developing a Response Plan for Effective Infectious Laryngotracheitis Outbreak Management in Ontario
OAHN Aquatic Project: Biosecurity for aquatic animal facilities – content development for a website and workshop, thinkific platform and booklet
OAHN Bee Network: Investigation of the role of varroa mites in Ontario honey bee health using next generation sequencing (NGS) technology
OAHN Wildlife Project: Identifying changes in Leptospira interrogans prevalence and serovars in wildlife in Ontario
OAHN Bee Network Research Project: Publishing the results of “OAHN Bee network research project 2018 – 2019: Surveillance on resistant Varroa destructor mite population to synthetic acaricides in Ontario” in a peer reviewed journal
OAHN Bee Network Research Project: Communication and Design Assistance for the Ontario Varroa Monitoring Campaign
In Progress
OAHN Wildlife Project: Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Surveillance
OAHN Bee Network Research Project: Mid-Season Treatments for Varroa Mites, Residue Testing in Honey
OAHN Small Ruminant Research Project: Investigation of Ovine herpesvirus-2 as the cause of an idiopathic fatal vasculitis syndrome in Ontario sheep
OAHN Small Ruminant Research Project: Comparison of maedi visna serological tests including the VMRD ELISA
OAHN Bovine Project: Parasitism in Grazing Cattle in Ontario
OAHN Bovine Project: Surveillance of postmortem data from a livestock disposal site
OAHN Aquatic Network Research Project: Preliminary investigation into a proprietary feed-based probiotic to reduce natural coldwater disease in rainbow trout aquaculture in Ontario
OAHN Small Ruminant Research Project: Development and validation of a PCR test for small ruminant lentiviruses (CAEV and MVV)
OAHN Swine Network Research Project: Modelling potential hotspots of African Swine Fever in Ontario’s wild pig population
OAHN Swine Project: Ongoing investigation of an outbreak of Senecavirus A
OAHN Companion Animal Research Project: Prevalence of selected pathogens in dogs recently imported from Asia
OAHN Companion Animal Research Project: Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Best Practices for Small Animal Veterinary Clinics
OAHN Companion Animal Expert Network Public Health Report 2020: Ontario Animal Health Network (OAHN) Companion Animal Expert Network Public Health Report 2020
OAHN Wildlife Network Research Project: Risks of anticoagulant pest control chemicals to wild raptors
OAHN Swine Network Project: Investigation of swine erysipelas
OAHN Poultry Network Project: Small Flock Poultry Veterinary Video Lecture Series with Dr. Victoria Bowes
OAHN Swine Network Project: Ongoing investigation of an outbreak of Senecavirus A
OAHN Bovine Network Project: OAHN Dairy Veterinary Antimicrobial Sales Benchmarking
OAHN Equine Network Project: ResearchONEquine Website
OAHN Equine Network Research Project: EHV-1 Abortion Outbreak: Case report and biosecurity awareness
OAHN Small Ruminant Research Project: Development and validation of a new diagnostic test for Toxoplasma identification in small ruminant abortions
OAHN Poultry Research Project: Identification of Transmissible Viral Proventriculitis (TVP)
OAHN Wildlife Research Project: Characterizing the spatial patterns of chronic wasting disease susceptibility in white-tailed deer
OAHN Equine Research Project: Neorickettsia risticii in Ontario: Identifying emerging strains, their diagnosis and environmental risk factors for disease development
OAHN Bee Research Project: Surveillance on resistant Varroa destructor mite population to three synthetic acaricides in Ontario
OAHN Poultry Research Project: Antimicrobial resistance in fecal E. coli and Salmonella isolates of small poultry flocks in Ontario, Canada
OAHN Poultry Research Project: Small flock poultry medicine workshop for Ontario veterinarians
OAHN Bee Research Project: Culture, antimicrobial susceptibility and molecular typing of Paenibacillus larvae, a causative agent of American foulbrood (AFB)
OAHN Bovine Research Project: Calf Surveillance
OAHN Companion Animal Project: Companion animal infographics
OAHN Equine Research Project: Seroprevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in Ontario horses
OAHN Fish Research Project: Antibiotic resistance in Ontario aquaculture
OAHN Poultry Research Project: Evaluating virulence genes and antimicrobial susceptibility of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli from Ontario broiler and broiler breeder flocks
OAHN Small Ruminant Research Project 1: Distance support for on-farm investigation of adult small ruminant mortalities
OAHN Small Ruminant Research Project 2: Seroprevalence & risk factors of Toxoplasma gondii exposure in small ruminants in Ontario, Canada
OAHN Swine Research Project: The creation of a network of sentinel pig farms to enable coordinated preparedness, early detection, and response to animal disease
OAHN Wildlife Research Project: Developing and piloting a web-based reporting system to enhance wildlife disease surveillance in Ontario
Melanie Barham, Tim Pasma. Building the Ontario Animal Health Network. Canadian Animal Health Surveillance Network workshop, Vancouver, BC. February 2018.
Poster presentations
Conference abstracts
Megan Neely, Scott Weese, Alison Moore, Murray Hazlett, Luis Arroyo. Seroprevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum in horses in Ontario. Canadian Animal Health Laboratorians Network Conference, Guelph, Ontario. June 2017.
Jim Fairles, Josie Given. Overview of a milk bacteriology QA program for veterinary clinics. Canadian Animal Health Laboratorians Network Conference, Guelph, Ontario. June 2017.
Alexander Heim. Mapping of the Ontario IBV outbreak. Canadian Animal Health Laboratorians Network Conference, Guelph, Ontario. June 2017.
Leonardo Susta, Nancy Brochu, Marina Brash, Csaba Varga, Michele Guerin. Ontario small poultry flock disease surveillance: year one. Canadian Animal Health Laboratorians Network Conference, Guelph, Ontario. June 2017.
Csaba Varga, Marina Brash, Emily Martin, Rachel Ouckama, Mike Petrik, Cynthia Philippe, Alex Weisz, Elizabeth Black, Shahbaz Ul Haq, Mike Joyce, Kathleen Long, Joanne Rafuse, Lloyd Weber, Melanie Barham, Durda Slavic, Tim Pasma, Patrick Boerlin, Michele Guerin. Evaluating virulence genes and antimicrobial susceptibility of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli from Ontario broiler and broiler-breeder flocks. Canadian Animal Health Laboratorians Network Conference, Guelph, Ontario. June 2017.
Christa Arsenault, Grant Maxie, Paul Innes, George Charbonneau, Chris Byra. Overview of the Ontario Animal Health Network swine surveillance network to improve disease emergency preparedness and its linkage to the Canadian Swine Health Information Network. Canadian Animal Health Laboratorians Network Conference, Guelph, Ontario. June 2017.
Marcia Chiasson, Véronique LePage, Steve Naylor. Antimicrobial resistance in Ontario aquaculture. Canadian Animal Health Laboratorians Network Conference, Guelph, Ontario. June 2017.
Melanie Barham, Jocelyn Jansen, Maria Spinato, Paula Menzies, Rex Crawford, John Hancock, Connie Dancho. Development of a responsive surveillance network for industries and veterinarians. International Sheep Veterinary Conference. June 2017.
Melanie Barham et al. Podcasts: a tool to enhance communications, lab sample quality, continuing education, and emergency preparedness with practicing veterinarians. American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Greensboro, NC. October 2016.
Melanie Barham, Marina Brash, Csaba Varga, Leo Susta, Lloyd Weber, Elizabeth Black, Mike Petrik, Michele Guerin, Al Dam Dam, Alex Weisz. Small flock poultry diagnostics and veterinary training: a new approach to a capacity and emergency preparedness issue. American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Greensboro, NC. October 2016.
Melanie Barham et al. Development of a collaborative animal health networks to improve surveillance and emergency preparedness in Ontario, Canada. American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Providence, RI. October 2015.
Melanie Barham, Bruce McNab, Bev McEwen, Tim Pasma. Building animal health surveillance network using laboratory and field data. World Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Saskatoon, SK. June 2015.