OAHN Project: Expanding Interactive Animal Pathogen Dashboards

Project Lead: Zvonimir Poljak

Collaborators: Tanya Rossi, Tatiana Petukhova, Maria Spinato, Cathy Bauman, Michele Guerin, Pauline Nelson-Smikle

To view the full report, please download the PDF here: https://www.oahn.ca/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/OAHN-PROJECT-SUMMARY-Expanding-the-Interactive-Animal-Pathogen-Dashboards_.pdf

Executive Summary

The Ontario Interactive Animal Pathogen Dashboards project (IAPD) has produced several dashboards covering important livestock diseases; however, feedback from veterinarians has identified areas for expansion. Pathogens identified in cases of cattle abortions have been flagged as an important gap that needs to be addressed in the current dashboards.  In the poultry industry, monitoring the diversity of genotypes for Infectious Bronchitis virus and Infectious Laryngotracheitis virus in chickens is important for gaining in-depth understanding of endemic circulation of these two pathogens and potential shifts over time.

The main objectives of the project were to:

1) Develop dynamic and interactive visualizations of infectious and parasitic causes of abortion in cattle

2) Integrate IBV and ILTV genotypes into already existing poultry dashboards