OAHN Poultry Project: Developing a Response Plan for Effective Infectious Laryngotracheitis Outbreak Management in Ontario

Project Lead: Dr. Lucica Rosca (OMAFRA)
Collaborators: OAPV (Ontario Association of Poultry Veterinarians), FBCC (Feather Board command Centre), ACER (Agricultural Communications &Epidemiological Research); OMAFRA (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs)
To view the ILT framework, click here: https://www.oahn.ca/resources/ontario-infectious-laryngotracheitis-ilt-emergency-response-plan-protocols-for-commercial-and-small-poultry-flocks/
The goal of this project is to address the lack of resources and information available around conducting a coordinated response to an ILT outbreak including developing a relevant and accessible response plan and resources to all stakeholders with their unique roles and responsibilities.
The framework will serve as a guidance document and will be accessible for the poultry industry, stakeholders, and small flock owners but also for veterinary poultry practitioners, OMAFRA and OAHN specialists to help minimize disease spread, and support disease control and eradication efforts.