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News Items

27 Jun , 2024

OAHN Equine Practitioner Survey (Apr-Jun 2024) Now Available

The OAHN Equine Network has published the Q2 2024 (APR-JUN) equine practitioner survey. This survey is open to all equine vets, RVTs, and clinic managers in Ontario, and is a place to tell us what you have been seeing in practice the past three months. Your responses are kept anonymous, and this data helps with Ontario equine disease surveillance.

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14 May , 2024

Update on Canine Leishmaniasis Webinar

Find out more about this free webinar and how to register.

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30 Apr , 2024

Companion Animal Veterinary Survey Now Available - Jan-Apr 2024

Find the link to the latest companion animal veterinary survey.

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26 Apr , 2024

Avian Metapneumovirus (aMPV) Detected in Ontario

Clinical signs, transmission, testing, treatment, and more. read more

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