Top Animal Health Links This Week (Nov. 2-8)
To help you stay on top of animal health and disease news, we are posting our top links of the week, which will direct you to important information and discussions around animal health. Below, please find the links, broken down by Network. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter if you want to see the best animal health links on the net every day. Read our guides on how to use Twitter and Facebook for continuing education.
Look for us in Ontario Farmer this week. Discussing using social media during a disease outbreak.
Antibiotic decisions: Right cow, right medicine, right time
Our final bovine respiratory disease podcast focuses on clinical perspectives and patterns of BRD
Ruminant producers should not ignore mycotoxin issue
Companion Animals
Tragic story- leptospirosis in Orangeville. Talk to your vet today about vaccination
“Orangeville Dogs Sickened By Inexplicable Illness” Discussed on our OAHN companion animal call Oct 29- update soon
New gene found in Rhodococcus antimicrobial resistance. Scholarly article here.
This study shows promise for development of an equine lyme disease vaccine in the future
The Canadian Pork Council published an update on Seneca Valley Virus in Canada
Citizen Surveillance! Are you seeing raccoons that don’t look healthy? Report them to @TorontoComms
White nose syndrome in bats and why you should care