Top Animal Health Links This Week (Nov 7-13)
To help you stay on top of animal health and disease news, we are posting our top links of the week, which will direct you to important information and discussions around animal health. Below, please find the links, broken down by Network. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter if you want to see the best animal health links on the net every day. Read our guides on how to use Twitter and Facebook for continuing education. If you missed last week’s top links, check them out here.
Learn how the CWHC and an OVC grad student are surveying 150 sites in Ontario for the deer tick
Latest Ontario rabies map – 6 new cases found last week: 1 in Halton, 1 in Niagara, & 4 in Hamilton
How a Genetic Mutation From 1 Bull Caused the Loss of Half a Million Calves Worldwide
Companion Animals
First evidence of a superbug in a domestic cat that could infect humans and livestock discovered in Australia
Discovery of Whirling Disease in Canada
Dr. Greg Wideman from Southwest Ontario Veterinary Services talks AMU
SHIC has a ton of information about swine health, here is their featured fact sheet PRRS