Rabid fox detected in far northern Ontario, February 2025

In late February 2025, a case of Arctic fox variant rabies was detected in a red fox in far northern Ontario. Arctic fox variant rabies is endemic across arctic and sub-arctic habitats in Canada, so this finding is not surprising.  The last confirmed case of arctic fox variant rabies in northern Ontario was detected in a dog from Attawapiskat in 2013.  Rabies surveillance in the north is very limited due to the small, dispersed human population, limited to no veterinary / animal services in many communities, and logistical challenges with obtaining and transporting samples to diagnostic labs in southern Ontario or elsewhere.  Rabies is known to cycle in fox populations in the north over periods of several years.  There have also been reports of increased fox numbers in parts of northern Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba in early 2025, which could drive more animals into human communities in search of resources.

Arctic fox rabies encroached into southern Ontario in the 1950s and became endemic in the red fox population for several decades.  Ontario’s oral rabies vaccine (ORV) wildlife baiting program, which has been run by the Ministry of Natural Resources since 1989, has been hugely successful in helping to eliminate this variant from southern Ontario.  In the 1980s, there were approximately 1500 cases of fox variant rabies detected in Ontario every year, but no cases have been detected in southern Ontario since 2018.  Nonetheless, it is important to remain vigilant as incursions of this variant from endemic areas in the north could still occur, either through natural movement of wildlife (foxes) or translocation of infected animals (including dogs).  Other rabies virus variants also remain a risk in Ontario, including raccoon variant (last detected in St. Catharines in 2023) and bat variant (91 cases detected in Ontario in 2024, including one human case).

How to stay safe from rabies

For more information on how to keep yourself, your family, your pets and livestock safe from rabies, and how you can help prevent the spread of rabies in Ontario, visit www.ontario.ca/rabies.

Human exposure to a potentially rabid animal

  • Any person who has come in contact with the saliva from a potentially rabid mammal (including but not limited to bites) or who has had any direct contact with a bat should contact their local public health unit or healthcare provider as soon as possible for an assessment. If there is a risk if rabies exposure, rabies post-exposure prophylaxis can be provided promptly to prevent rabies in the person.
  • Veterinarians have a duty to report any potential rabies cases and/or rabies exposures (bite and non-bite) to their local public health unit under the Health Protection and Promotion Act (Reg. 567).

Domestic animal exposure to a potentially rabid animal with no human exposure

  • Animal owners should contact their local veterinarian as the first step for any animal health concerns.
  • Veterinarians in Ontario can request assistance with rabies risk assessments, testing and post-exposure management of domestic animals to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness (OMAFA) using the online rabies response request form.

Abnormal wildlife with no domestic animal exposure and no human exposure

  • For assistance with a live animal, contact a local animal/wildlife control agency or an authorized wildlife rehabilitator.
  • For dead terrestrial wildlife, call the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) Wildlife Health Infoline (1-888-574-6656).
  • If a freshly dead bat is found, consider contacting the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (1-866-673-4781).

Additional information