Companion Animals Network

News/Disease Alerts

14 May , 2024

Update on Canine Leishmaniasis Webinar

Find out more about this free webinar and how to register.

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30 Apr , 2024

Companion Animal Veterinary Survey Now Available - Jan-Apr 2024

Find the link to the latest companion animal veterinary survey.

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1 Jan , 2024

Q4 2023 Veterinary Surveys for Ontario Practitioners (Companion, Equine, Swine)

Find links to our current veterinary surveys where we are gathering information for Q4 2023 (Oct-Dec).

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Please see our latest Companion Animals quarterly reports below, as well as supporting resources.

Please note that the veterinary reports, laboratory data, and clinical impressions summaries are meant only for veterinarians and registered veterinary technicians and are not to be shared publicly

Disease Resources

Factsheet: Chlamydia Caviae in Guinea Pigs

Clinical signs, transmission, testing, treatment, and more.

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Infographic: Laboratory Submissions: Naughty Vs. Nice

10 tips to help you get the most out of your diagnostic laboratory dollars.

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Industry Resources

OAHN Companion Animal Research Project: Whiteboard Rabies Video

Details, and the educational rabies video produced by this project.

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