Indigenous Fish Health Day – Registration and Details
Do you have questions about fish health?
Are you interested in Ontario freshwater farmed or wild fish?
Join us at Indigenous Fish Health Day (May 8, 2025)
The Ontario Animal Health Network for Aquatic Animals will present information and answer questions in a non-regulatory, open discussion format. OAHN is dedicated to information dissemination and knowledge transfer.
Non-Ontario residents are welcome, but we will be focused on freshwater finfish.
Alexandra Reid (BSc, DVM, PhD)
Lead Veterinarian Animal Health and Welfare
Lenny Shirose (BSc, Msc)
Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative Biologist
Heindrich Snyman (BVSc, DVSc, Diplomate ACVP)
Kemptville Lab Head, Veterinary Pathologist
Animal Health Lab, University of Guelph
Steven Backman (DVM)
Skretting Canada
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